Thursday, March 29, 2007

First day in Istanbul, by the numbers

Minutes waited in assorted lines in airport at 2 am: 47
Cost, in lira, of cab ride to hostel at 3 am: 35
Hours of sleep: 7
Jewels seen in Tokopi Palace (in karats): 4,000,000 (roughly. Now I know what the phrase 'jewel encrusted' means.)
86 Karat diamonds: 1
Swords: 23
Letters handwritten by Mohammed: 1
Carpet salesmen encountered: 2 (note: shockingly low. One of the two even took a solid 7 minutes of conversation before slipping in the question 'You like carpet?' And then he showed be to a delicious, cheap restaurant, despite my refusal to check out his shop)
Turks instructing me not to support Bush: 1 (seems low, but in terms of percentage of turks talked to, this jumps to 33.3333333)
Mosques seen (entered): 5 (1, but Sultanahmet/Blue Mosque should probably count triple. Astonishing.)
Calls to prayer heard: 1, but a tag-team operation of the 6 minarets of the Blue Mosque, the 4 of the Haya Sofia, and the 1 of the other mosque that was in view. Pretty impressive)
Kitties: 9
Puppies: 2, both sleeping
Moments of true awe: minimum 29
Pictures taken (kept): 200 (145)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You write very well.